Advanced Learning Program for Students
At Kurnai College, we offer students the opportunity to become involved in the Advanced Learning Program (ALP). ALP classes take place at both Morwell and Churchill campuses running from Years 7-10. ALP classes cater for students who have both a strong work ethic and are capable of achieving excellent results.
The philosophy behind ALP is to extend students' depth and breadth of thinking and learning in Maths, English, Science and the Humanities by developing an excellent work ethic and challenging them with new ideas and practices. Teachers of ALP classes strive to instil in students confidence in their abilities, a strong desire to learn and to achieve high results. Teachers focus on promoting independent thinking and developing breadth in the students' understanding of concepts and ideas explored in class. The program does not seek to accelerate students through to tertiary education.
This initiative is a College-wide program and teachers at Morwell and Churchill campuses work together to develop curriculum suited to students wanting to advance in their learning. Three to four teachers who are committed to supporting students in this way teach the core subjects and they develop strong relationships with their students to maximise their learning potential. For other subjects such as Health & PE, Technology, Art and LOTE, students are in mixed classes with other students from their year level allowing them to form friendships with mainstream students.
An important part of the program is the relationships built between students, staff and parents. Students are closely monitored in the program and parents receive timely feedback on their child's progress through five weekly reports and parent-teacher meetings. This feedback allows staff, parents and students the opportunity to outline student progress, identify strengths and discuss strategies for improving performance. At the end of every term all ALP students' ongoing position in the program will be reviewed. Any recommendation for movement is discussed with parents and students.
For further information, please contact:
Morwell Campus
(03) 5165 0600
Churchill Campus
(03) 5132 3700