How to Report an Absence


In accordance with the Education and Training Reform Act 2006, it is compulsory for children and young people aged from 6 – 17 years to attend school, unless an exemption has been granted.
Parents/guardians must enrol a child of compulsory school age at a registered school and ensure the child attends school at all times when the school is open for instruction.
Students are expected to attend the school in which they are enrolled during normal school hours every day of each term, unless:

  • There is an approved exemption from school attendance or attendance and enrolment for the student
  • The student is registered for home schooling and has only a partial enrolment in a school for particular activities

A principal or regional director (depending on the circumstances) may authorise an exemption and provide written approval for student attendance, or attendance and enrolment, to be exempt or reduced to less than full time.
For absences where there is no exemption in place, the parent/guardian must promptly provide an explanation on each occasion to the school. The school will determine if the explanation provided is a reasonable excuse for the purposes of the parent meeting their responsibilities under the Education and Training Reform Act 2006.

For full details, see: School Attendance Guidelines (docx - 148.04kb)

How to report an absence

At Kurnai College, if your child will not be attending school for the day please ring the Absence Hotline on 5132 3711 and leave a message so that attendance records can be accurately maintained.
The college's Absence Hotline is open 24hrs a day and your message will be sent to our attendance officer to update your student's records and to forward onto relevant teachers.
If your child will be away for an extended period of time, please ensure you let the college know. The message will be sent to our team leaders so work and support can be arranged for your child to complete whilst at home or on holidays, so your child does not fall behind with their school work.

Phone Absence Hotline 5132 3711 and leave the following details;

  • Child's name
  • Child's year level
  • The name of the Campus your child attends
  • Reason for absence
  • Your name and phone contact details